


  • Products
  • Indoor Air Control

Key features

  • POINT 01

    Configures and controls the desired volume of air inflow from outside

  • POINT 02

    Measures and monitors incoming
    volume of air inflow from outside

  • POINT 03

    Provides remote control using various communication methods

    1. Supports RS485 communication,
    BACnet MS / TP & Modbus RTU protocols
    2. DDC (Direct Digital Control)

Product image


Product specification

Product category Specification
Damper Control Voltage (output) 24 VDC
Damper Control Type PI Control
Communication Protocol BACnet MS/TP, Modbus RTU, HPT Protocol (RS485 2Wire)
Baudrate 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bps
Display TFT LCD 3.2” (320 x 240)
Input - Differential Pressure Sensor (0~50 mmAq)
- Air Flow Rate
- Damper Angle
- CO2
Output Damper Control (Hardwire) 4 lines
Supply Voltage 220 VAC
Dimension (W x H x D) 185 x 280 x 100 mm